New Service Line in Cosmetology _September 04, 2012

Curatio has launched cosmetology line. It should be accentuated that we offer individualized skin care program determined by our professional dermatologists.

Wide range of problems such as acne, excessive facial oiliness, dry skin and etc can be resolved easily by our specialists. For managing skin care our clinic offers deep cleansing/peeling, rejuvenation, post-inflammatory treatment with oxygen (oxygenation), anti-wrinkle and restoring procedure, facial clearing/lightning procedure. All methods will be determined and adjusted to your skin-type by dermatologists with the help of 21 medical devices and drug therapy.

Clinic offers special prices:

• Acne treatment – 45 GEL

Procedure is performed by dermatologist using special exfoliation scrubs. Often phonephoresis is used to intensify the delivery of topically applied means. Also, darsonval device is offered for facial massaging. Procedure includes following stages:
1. Unclogging of pores by choosing special gel-cleansers
2. Exposed clearing tonics
3. Chemical peels (when administered by physician)
4. Mud face mask
5. Seboregulatory serum applying
6. Different types of masks adjusted by skin type
7. Moisturizing serum

• Glycolic peeling for oily skin – 30 GEL

The procedure considers following steps:
1. Skin cleansing with special gel
2. Applying toners
3. Skin care with glycolic acid
4. Re-applying toners
5. Facial masks adjusted to the type of skin
6. Selection of day cream

• Dry and sensitive skin cleansing (enzyme peeling) – 35 GEL

Enzyme peeling includes following steps:
1. Cleansing with skin-specific gel
2. Treatment with tonic
3. Scrub-peeling
4. Enzyme peeling
5. Tonic re-treatment
6. Facial mask based on skin type
7. Selection and treatment with day cream

• Facial rejuvenation and clearing/lightning procedure – 45 GEL

This is a cosmetic procedure with following steps:
1. Facial cleansing with skin specific type of gels
2. Light chemical peeling
3. Facial skin PH balance restoring by tonic treatment
4. Applying serum for reducing skin pigmentation
5. Treatment with serum for regenerative purposes
6. Facial massage with regenerative cream
7. Facial lightning and glowing mask
8. Protective day cream selection and applying

• Anti-wrinkle and restoring procedure – 35 GEL

Procedure comprises following steps:
1. Facial cleansing with special gel adjusted to skin type
2. Facial moisturizing
3. Intense/ deep scrub-peeling
4. Cream selection and applying for dry and combined skin types
5. Treatment with anti-wrinkle cream
6. Facial mask with vitamin C
7. Aromatherapy

• Post-inflammatory treatment with oxygen (oxygenation) – 30 GEL

Oxygenation for acne treatment consists of following steps:
1. Facial cleanser with special gel
2. Facial skin moisturizing
3. Deep scrubbing-peeling
4. Applying products containing activated oxygen
5. Facial mask
6. Facial cream based on skin type
7. Aromatherapy
8. Moisturizing protective face masks

For more information on additional services, please refer to the Dermatology Page of Curatio Website.