Dermatology is a branch of medicine specialized in diagnosing, treatment and prevention of skin, scalp, hair and nails diseases and disorders. Cosmetology is one of the parts of dermatology, dealing with mostly skin care and aesthetic cosmetics. Curatio provides consultation with dermatologist and following services and procedures:
Skin cryotherapy
Cyotherapy is used for treatment various skin local lesions and disorders. It is not-invasive procedure performed by dermatologist at out clinic. Subzero temperature is used to freeze and treat or remove abnormal tissues such as warts, moles, papillomas and other skin conditions.
Electrocoagulation is a method, when extremely high temperature is used for removal of skin warts, papillomas, and other local lesions. Eligibility for electrocoagulation procedure is determined by dermatologist and is performed at doctor’s office.
Acne treatment
Acne is usually caused by clogging pores and hair follicles leading to inflammation of surrounding areas of skin. Acne management includes following:
1. Unclogging of pores by choosing special gel-cleansers
2. Exposed clearing tonics
3. Chemical peels (when administered by physician)
4. Mud face mask
5. Seboregulatory serum applying
6. Different types of masks adjusted by skin type
7. Moisturizing serum
Above procedures are performed my dermatologist using special exfoliation scrubs. Often phonephoresis is used to intensify the delivery of topically applied means. Also, darsonval skin care is offered by our dermatologists.
Glycolic peeling for oily skin
For oily skin care following steps are considered:
1. Skin cleansing with special gel
2. Applying toners
3. Skin care with glycolic acid
4. Applying toners again
5. Facial masks adjusted to the type of skin
6. Selection of day cream
All procedures should be recommended and performed by dermatologist to avoid any skin damage. Very often, skin brushing, phonephoresis, darsonval skin care are administered by dermatologist if deemed necessary.
Post- inflammatory treatment with oxygen (oxygenation)
Oxygenation for acne treatment consists of following steps:
1. Facial cleanser with special gel
2. Facial skin moisturizing
3. Deep scrubbing-peeling
4. Applying products containing activated oxygen
5. Facial mask
6. Facial cream based on skin type
7. Aromatherapy
8. Moisturizing protective face masks
All above is to be performed by dermatologist. If recommended additional procedures can be administered: dermabrasion, brushing, ultrasound, scrubbing. Also, some topical products can be delivered through phonephoresis.
Dry and sensitive skin cleansing (enzyme peeling)
Enzyme peeling has following steps:
1. Cleansing with skin-specific gel
2. Treatment with tonic
3. Scrub-peeling
4. Enzyme peeling
5. Treatment with tonic
6. Facial mask based on skin type
7. Selection and treatment with day cream
All above is performed by dermatologist. Some additional techniques can be recommended if necessary.
Dry skin care
Dry skin care regime includes following:
1. Facial cleansing with skin-specific gels
2. Facial moisturizing
3. Intense scrub-peeling
4. Selection of creams based in skin type
5. Moisturizing protective facial cream
6. Moisturizing care containing hyaluronuic acid
7. Aromatherapy
Above procedural steps should be performed in accordance with dermatologist recommendations. Some other techniques can be involved in case dermatology finds necessary.
Facial rejuvenation and clearing/lightning procedure
This is a cosmetic procedure with following steps:
1. Facial cleansing with skin specific type of gels
2. Light chemical peeling
3. Facial skin PH balance restoring by treatment with tonic
4. Applying serum for reducing skin pigmentation
5. Treatment with serum for regenerative purposes
6. Facial massage with regenerative cream
7. Facial lightning and glowing mask
8. Protective day cream selection and applying
Steps should be followed by dermatologist instructions
Anti-wrinkle and restoring procedure:
For the procedure following steps are to be followed:
1. Facial cleansing with special gel adjusted to skin type
2. Facial moisturizing
3. Intense/ deep scrub-peeling
4. Cream selection and applying for dry and combined skin types
5. Treatment with anti-wrinkle cream
6. Facial mask containing vitamin C
7. Aromatherapy
Prior undergoing above steps dermatologist’s consultation is required.
Procedure for hair loss
Darsonval method is excellent tool for hair loss treatment and prevention. It stimulates hair follicles increasing by blood circulation and supply follicles with oxygen on the cellular level. This process itself contributes to restoring and normal growing of healthy and genuine hair. Each procedure lasts 8-12 minutes. Complete course of treatment consists of 10-20 procedures.
Cryomassage in cosmetology is applied for narrowing superficial capillaries, thus reducing skin redness. The procedure promotes blood circulation improvement.